You can’t heal the body, without healing the mind.

Relax, recover and explore your mind in one of our luxurious float tanks.

What is floating?

Floatation Therapy (also known as sensory deprivation therapy) involves floating in a tank with skin temperature water, saturated with Epsom Salt. This environment allows you to float effortlessly without any external distraction and stimuli. It creates the perfect environment for meditation, mind exploration, relaxation and physical therapy.

Benefits of Floating

Meraki - to do something with soul, creativity and love ♡

Our Premises

Take a break from it all and come relax, recover and explore your mind in one our float rooms, right in the city of Aberdeen. Our float rooms have high ceilings making them more spacious than the regular float pods. Floatation therapy is a natural way to promote both your physical and mental well-being.

We live in a world where we are being constantly overloaded with stimuli. Float therapy can help to bring our outward focus inwards, which enables greater concentration, deeper meditation and more effective thought.


Learn more about floating and all the great benefits it has.